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You are NOT crazy for denying climate change

Politicians do not speak up and educate people enough!  Climate change is a complex issue that must be addressed by our world leaders.  Since it is not, we need to individually do our part and educate ourselves.  Science does not lie!

As mentioned in the video, climate change has indirect effects on human health.   It is difficult to paint climate change as the culprit for an increase of health issues since the relationships between such variables are not direct. Climate change works in a way where it affects the environment in several ways, such as more intense weather, sea levels rising, and increasing the risk of infectious diseases spreading, where people live.  Those people then suffer from adverse effects.  These effects often target people in developing countries.  Since many of you reading this live in developed countries who do not suffer from increased risk of weather being catastrophic, malnutrition, or death, it may be easy to not believe climate change is real.  

Climate Change is a human health issue.. not just an environmental issue.


Political opinions will change. Science remains.

Climate change is accelerating due to human activity.  We must do our part and reduce our contribution. 

It may seem as though your efforts go to waste, but if everyone in the world changed their habits to be more sustainable, our world would thank us greatly.  Just becoming aware and educated of climate change is a start! Visit the "Projects" tab to learn more about what you can do.

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