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"We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it" -Former President Obama

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What is climate change?

Over time, greenhouse gas emissions have increased, due to increased burning of fossil fuels,  trapping heat in our atmosphere.  This raises the temperature of the air and the oceans.  This causes a lot of issues for the Earth which have adverse effects on the people as well.

Effects of Climate Change

Extreme Weather

Global warming makes places that were already getting plenty of rain get even more rain and places that were already dry drier.  This is dangerous as it may bring more frequent rainfall, bringing floods and severe storms, and more intense heat waves, creating a higher risk of wildfires, droughts, and overall warming the planet.  This warming extends pollen season and causes people affected by seasonal allergies to suffer from allergies for a longer period of time.  

Rising Sea Levels

93.4% of global warming goes to oceans.  As higher temperatures melt the Earth's ice, water expands causing sea levels to rise. This causes more floods and since warmer air can contain more water, it leads to more extreme weather.  Not only do warmer temperature lead to these effects but increased carbon dioxide concentrations in oceans leads to ocean acidification where coral reefs disappear and fish habitats diminish.  This forces the coastal poor to find alternative food sources.

Infectious Disease

Vector- borne diseases intensify with the water cycle.  Mosquito reproduction elevates and the parasites and viruses they carry are more active at higher temperatures.  More rainfall creates more breeding ground for mosquitoes and more droughts promote outbreaks since the mosquitoes breed in the storage containers filled with water.  Many vector- borne diseases develop faster at higher temperatures, which, with global warming, puts a large group of people at risk.


 Countries like Kiribati and Tuvalu are threatened by large storms and rising sea levels as they are small islands.  They also face food security anxiety since the water is futile.  These groups of people face the stresses of either fleeing to a completely new place while facing nutritional issues, infection, and trauma or deciding to stay in their homes that may be destroyed.  Developed countries must do more to diminish climate change to look out for these vulnerable people who may live in environments soon to be unlivable.

Nutritional Disease

In coastal regions, where their main source of protein is fish, they are forced to find an alternative source but it may not be as cheap or easy to access. This may lead to protein deficiencies that lead to birth defects in children.  Low vitamin and mineral levels can also lead to slower growth in children and other health problems.  Places that are forced to find alternatives may have to settle with food that is highly processed or highly caloric and may cause them to be overweight, which increases risk of heart diseases.

Health Co-benefits of Mitigation Actions

Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy results in less air pollution, which means fewer premature deaths, fewer heart attacks, and less lung cancer

Shifting from diets with meat proteins to diets with more vegetable protein means fewer premature deaths, and less colon cancer

Shifting from driving to bicycling means less heart disease, better mental health, and reduced obesity and diabetes

Shifting from uninsulated buildings to better- insulated buildings means less energy consumption, which means cleaner air and its associated benefits

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