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Changing Habits to Change the World

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More things to check out!

If you would like to take a class on the health effects of climate change, Harvard is offering one for free! I highly recommend taking this class. It is very informative and eye opening.

Here is a video packed with information delivered to you by Bill Nye.  He offers a summary of what climate change is, what it affects, and proposes a few solutions. 

Since COVID-19 has been such a prevalent issue worldwide, scientists have studied the effects of this virus on climate change.  Watch this video to learn more.

Here is a more in depth article from the World Meteorological Organization including the impacts, climate indicators, and their statement.  These is an informational graphic included as well.

This website allows you to visualize the effects of climate change over the past decades.  It includes plenty of information from credible sites. 

There is information on the Paris Agreement where all the nations come together to increase their efforts to combat climate change in this website.

Join the Friends of the World to take action on issues regarding climate change.  Connect with world leaders and fight rain forest destruction, save the bees, stop the oceans from becoming open to big oils and more.

Learn more about Project WET and help enable children to understand and value water, creating a sustainable future.  They take part in solving the world's most pressing water issues. 

Support Patagonia by purchasing their clothing which is sustainably made.  Get involved with their partners to volunteer around the world during quarantine.

Learn about the issues on Native American Reservations.  This is a super informative article about the realities of life on the reservations.

Here you can find more information about poaching and its impact on wildlife and the environment.

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